• If a dispute arises relating to this agreement or the termination thereof, claims for breach of contract, the parties shall attempt to resolve the dispute through mediation after 10 days and satisfactory resolution between the parties.
  • If for any reason the Company do not meet agreed the percentage ROI of the investors plan after 7 days, there will be a 3 days (72hrs) probationary period to pay the agreed ROI according to the Investor’s plan to the Investment, furthermore if the agreed ROI is not made after the probationary period, the Company will be mandated to pay an extra 3% to the investor within the 10 days or risk arbitration.
  • In any case the Company breached contract of not paying the expected ROI to the investor, the Company will bear any loss thereof. Amendment
  • No amendment or variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by or on behalf of each of the parties.
Terms & Conditions